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Tag: PhD Thesis Writing

Learn to write your thesis quicker than ever

Learn to write your thesis quicker than ever

Writing faster is a task of practice to a large extent. The more you write, the faster you become. However, if you keep doing things without improvisation, you will reach the plateau at some place. You can see a significant gain in your writing productivity by having the right kind of practice and tools.

phd thesis writing

  1. Build up your database: The preparation required for phd thesis writing is quite similar to the preparation required for cooking. If you have all your ingredients ready in advance, you can put up the things together much faster. Writing relies on data, its analysis and if it is done priorly, it can get organized in a much better way.
  2. Let go of the tendency to be perfect: Getting fast requires the writer to give up the habit of looking for perfection in the first go. This helps to declutter the tasks in mind and, it is important to just focus on writing in the first go. Improvisations can be seen at a later stage. A good and smooth riding process needs to be like iteration, you need to get all the stuck ideas out of your head and then start fixing and treating them one at a time.
  3. Write regularly: Make it a practice to write frequently, every day, even if you write little. When you do this by habit, your brain stays tuned to the topic and stays in the habit of writing, and it becomes a relatively easier task where ideas flow our spontaneously and increase your consistency and speed. Smaller steps each day are more productive than a big leap once in a while.
  4. Read as much as you can: When you have ideas in your mind, then it becomes easier to express them in words. You must read about your topic, research, and the results obtained wherever possible and whenever you find the time. When there is an abundance of information in your mind, then the flow of concrete ideas is faster.
  5. Do not do multitasking while writing: When you are writing make sure that you just write. Don’t improvise and proofread at that time. First, finish writing and then leave the proofreading for a later time. This will not disturb the task at hand and improve not just the speed but also the quality of ideas in your mind.
  6. Enjoy writing: Enjoy writing because until the time your heart isn’t into it then results won’t be desirable. Make it fun and see the results.
Writing a PhD Thesis Every Guide Wants to Read

Writing a PhD Thesis Every Guide Wants to Read

Most PhD students spend years of hard work in preparing and researching for their selected PhD project. Most of them also fall short when it comes to presenting the project thesis that can convey the depth of their research and their individual contribution to the solution of the original problem.

In addition to its details, the PhD thesis must be able to state the problem with clarity, review the existing solutions to the problem, provide a critical analysis of the same, and finally detail the proposed solution to the problem.

PhD Thesis

Listed below are some tips on writing the ideal PhD thesis that every guide would want to read and publish:


  • Structuring the thesis

Your thesis must have a structure and flow similar to any research paper. Although the exact structure can vary depending on your subject, the outline structure of your thesis can include an introduction, related work, experiments, and conclusions.

  • Is your thesis publishable?

A publishable thesis can be the delight of any guide. To achieve this, you will need to plan for this from the time of subject selection. Question yourself if your conducted experiments are extensive to survive any independent scientific scrutiny, or if the data used for the research is valid.

  • The importance of headings

As an alternative to generic headlines in your thesis, provide headings that provide a glimpse of what your content can be. Regarding use of sub-headings, use appropriate section numbering and do not exceed more than 3 levels.

  • The title of your thesis

In addition to the use of headings, the title of your thesis is vital to convey the extent of your research. Avoid using very short titles (for example, “Music Information Retrieval”), which sounds generic and does not convey much information of your research. Use appropriately long titles that indicate the scope of your research work.

  • Taking help from professionals

When it comes to effective writing, it is best to take the help of academic writing professionals who have the relevant skills and experience in preparing a complete thesis. An academic writer will be able to convey the depth of your research clearly using text and formatting.

  • Preparing for the viva

Review the quality of your thesis, which is likely to be examined by the panel of experts in the viva discussion. These experts will examine your thesis to check for completeness and overall quality, and to determine if presented data and analysis support the final conclusion.

Writing a Critical Literature Review

Writing a Critical Literature Review

After numerous healthy discussions with my friends and fellow researchers, I still wasn’t clear about the idea of critical literature review. So, I decided to take help from the online resources and from my mentor. The knowledge I got, was surely helpful and I really want to share it with the PhD candidates who are still looking for the answers related to the critical literature review.

I would like to start this post by answering ‘what a critical literature review is?’

Okay, let me tell you that a critical literature review is an overview of published and unpublished resources which answer two basic questions:

  • What are the current theoretical issues, policies and debates related to your topic?
  • What is the current state of knowledge about these problems and issues?

You guys must be wondering what’s the requirement of a literature review?

I tell you, Literature Review is required:

  • As a way to frame and focus a research project
  • When research questions are formed without sustained reference to the literature.
  • Knowledge of the literature helps in tighten research question and enhance conceptual sensibility of the topic.
  • As a way to justify a research project to the readers.

Now, how should you start with a critical literature review?
You would start writing your literature review once your topic for research has been decided and objectives have been ascertained. Now according to the same, you must go about writing your literature review. You could follow this stepwise guide for achieving your goal of writing a high-caliber literature review:

  1. Accumulating the literature you would like to review:

This step is basically for taking notes of two points:

Why you chose certain studies to review and reject the others and secondly, the years in which these studies were conducted. It is advisable to refer to the researchers that are closely related to your research topic and are conducted recently.

  1. Analyzing the literature critically:

Be a Critique! Now, you should be able to briefly state the purpose and findings of each research study you are including in the review. Also, you should be able to point out the weakness and limitations of researches conducted. It will be helpful in analyzing the literature at an all-inclusive level. At a micro level, jot down the key contribution of researchers which is unique and value adding in nature. You should be able to address the relevance and exceptional researches conducted by the fellow researchers as it is the mark of a good scholar.

  1. Summarizing the review:

There should be a draft of various research contributions you are going to extract from each research papers. Divide the research papers based on the similar findings and similar thought processes together. In this step, you should be able to identify and formulate the studies that disagree with each other’s, it would be helpful in building and highlighting the contrasting view point about research topic in review.

  1. Give structure to your review:

It is easier to give a literature review a proper structure if you have a format in front of you. This will help in governing the flow of topic and from one paragraph or section to the other.

  1. Start drafting the review:

After following g the above mentioned steps, you should be all set to begin with draft of your literature review. The literature review will link your research objectives with the findings of already conducted researchers and also address these studies that draw opposite conclusions as compared to yours.

I think, you are good to go now with the critical literature review. In case, you still have any query, feel free to get in touch with us by dropping us email at:

Write Your PhD Thesis In 2 Months

Write Your PhD Thesis In 2 Months


Thesis writing is no doubt a multi-month ordeal that makes you pull your hair out. But, when you have to submit your thesis work in two months all you have to do is follow a plan, set your deadlines and work steadily, more importantly smart work is required from your end.

After having selected your topic of interest, there are multifarious tasks such as literature review, preparing the questionnaire, data analysis and interpretation reports that you need to cover up efficiently.

This article is devoted to ways that you can get way ahead of the curve from the very beginning to the submission of your thesis

1.Get Started With Literature Review:

The starting point for a PhD thesis writer is to read truckloads of papers relevant to your topic of thesis so that you can develop an understanding of your experimental techniques and learn more about your area of interest. Literature Review develops the understanding of what has been done so far in your field and what questions remain to be answered, where your research will contribute.

The following points should be in your consideration:

  • How do you find relevant papers without wasting much time?

    As you don’t have much time, so definitely don’t want it to get wasted over browsing unnecessary data, what you can do is go through Google Scholar and Pubmed for advance search or boolean search. Pubmed offers the great facility to set up citation alerts that notify you via email every time these articles are cited.


Fig : Pubmed Advance Search

  • The software you can use to save your time on literature review is ‘EndNote’. ‘EndNote’ is here to serve you with its incredible capability of managing bibliographies and references. There are several ways to add a reference to a library: manually, exporting, importing, copying from another EndNote library, connecting from EndNote. It enables the user to select multiple citations and saves the user from having to enter manually the citation information and the abstracts.


Fig: EndNote

2. Preparing The Questionnaire:

After gathering all the information required and understanding the gap between previously carried out research and your findings, the next task is to prepare a questionnaire, which will cover all the possible aspects of your thesis.
There are two types of questionnaire:

  1. Qualitative Questionnaire
  2. Quantitative Questionnaire

Difference between Qualitative & Quantitavie Questionnaire:




  • Concerned with understanding human behaviour from the informant’s perspective

  • Assumes a dynamic & negotiated reality

  • Concerned with discovering facts about social phenomena

  • Assumes a fixed and measurable reality


  • Data are collected through participant observation & interviews

  • Data are analysed by themes from descriptions by informants

  • Data are reported in the language of informant

  • Data are collected through measuring things

  • Data are analysed through numerical comparisons & statistical test

  • Data are reported through statistical analyses

Qualitative Questionnaire:

Download the sample ‘Qualitative Questionnaire

Quantitative Questionnaire:

Download the sample ‘Quantitative Questionnaire

3. Research Methodology:

The next chapter of your thesis that will cover the method to carry out the experiments is ‘Research Methodology.’

Research philosophy is the way of explaining your research methods and how that influences your work. It should be incorporated in your dissertation as it solves the issue on which methods to apply in your research. It highly depends upon the individual’s perception of understanding things as it is a belief about a way in which research should be conducted.

Research Philosophy

Research Method

Research Approach


Quantitative methods comprising of sampling techniques, questionnaires/ surveys, stuructured interviews, observation etc.


This approach is based on observing and forming hypothesis n an already existing theory.


Qualitative methods comprising of unstructured interviews, focus group, participant observation, case studies, etc.


This approach is initiated through observation and patterns to form a new theory.


Quantitative & Qualitative

Now the question is, which research approach to select?

  • It would depend upon how much time you have. The decutive approach is quicker to complete whereas inductive approach requires ample amount of time.

  • It depends on how much risk you can take. Deductive approach has less risk of failure. Inductive research is more risky as it is not necessary for a theory to evolve.

4. Data Analysis:

It’s difficult when you have to find out a result after calculating so many figures. As in this calculative instant of time it’s empirical to participate a number of data and find out the best result possible in any of your research, here what mainly you need are some authentic statistical tools that can simplify your data’s into an upshot without investing much of your time.

There are many tests that are need to apply on the data, and selecting the appropriate test for your data is a tough and time-consuming job, so, here is a flowchart to help you out in this situation:


There are many tools for the data analysis that you can use and save your time.

  1. SPSS: SPSS Statistics is a package used for data analysis or statistical analysis. SPSS is used by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, government, education researchers and marketing organizations & data miners.

    SPSS shows two views as per the requirement i.e. Data View & Variable View.

Data View:


Variable View:


2. NVivo:

Nvivo is a software package for qualitative data analysis. It is used for working with rich text or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volume of data are required.


5. Conclusion:

Many candidates find concluding chapter difficult to write for several reasons. As there is no one right way to construct a concluding paragraph, there are some guidelines that can help you to end your thesis on a strong note.

  • Restate your thesis implicitly
  • Emphasize the importance of your subject by placing it in an elaborated context
  • Give Suggestion for the future based on what you have argued.
  • End on a powerful and relevant quote that serves to sum up your work.


6. Editing & Proofreading:

Once you are done with writing your thesis, the next important task is to edit and proofread your copy of the thesis. As you don’t have much time left, so, don’t go for editing on your own. Hire a professional help who can assist you with the complete process of editing & proofreading and make your thesis a perfect piece of work. Another important aspect of editing is checking for plagiarism. You can check for plagiarism online using and for grammar check you can use

Tips to Choose Authentic PhD Thesis Writers

Tips to Choose Authentic PhD Thesis Writers

PhD being a notable and highest degree of education deserves and also demands lots of remarkable and detail work. A research thesis consists of a long list of contents starting from study plan and winding up at appendices. It also includes many criticalities like data collection and its analysis, findings and its discussions, etc. Hence, presenting an absolutely equipped thesis becomes a tough nut to crack for pursuers.

Also, writing and presenting something unique and eye catching is a burning aspiration of all the researchers. In this aspect researcher’s wave for online data collection, journal studies, books and their practical revelation, but these sources are not sufficient enough for completion of thesis. Lagging behind is the researcher’s previous experience and expertise in the work. This holding nail can be thrown out by the help of some expert and PhD thesis writers. These PhD writers and experts can add some jewels to make your thesis magnificent enough for a handsome grade in your degree. So, let’s go through some small yet crucial tips to choose an authentic PhD thesis writer-

  • Your PhD thesis writer should preferably be from the same subject background so that he can have a good hand holding on the subject matter and steer you in an improved way.
  • Thesis writer should generate a unique and fresh work that definitely evades plagiarism. As, copying the work can cut down both your knowledge and grades also this is ethically not genuine.
  • Choose a writer who can be easily contacted and discuss the proceedings of work with you whenever required.
  • Never forget reviewing the past records, researcher’s feedback and sample paper works of the writers before finalizing them.

Thus, an eye on aforesaid points can assist you with an expert writer.

Guidelines to Write a Good Thesis Proposal

Guidelines to Write a Good Thesis Proposal

Thesis proposals are generally written in present as well as future tense. After selecting a topic for your thesis, the step is to give a striking introduction. This can be attempted last after completing the remaining sections of the thesis proposal. After this you can prepare a research question and convert it into a statement so as to make a proper work plan. The undesirable consequences of the problem should be noted. Now you can convince the reader about the importance of the problem with regard to yourself and the society.

Now you can state the purpose of the study – whether it is done to interpret, analyse, or change the problem. The next section is mentioning the significance or the advantages of the study conducted. For this you can answer questions concerning the importance of the study, the people targeted, and the consequences which can happen to the society, program, or theory if the research is performed or not performed.

The next section covers the methodology followed in the research where you can state the research perspective and your viewpoint. You can provide at least three methodologies which could be feasible and choose the most appropriate one. Now provide instances of theories or studies which support as well as oppose the approach to the given problem. It is also better to include the methodologies used by others who have dealt with the problem before. After this is done, you can provide the expected results of the research carried out. The terms used to state the problem, methodology, and purpose should be well-defined. Also, provide various assumptions concerned with the study like world views, basic values, beliefs, etc. The reader should be aware of your attitude towards the problem as well.

Limitations concerning the methodologies and concepts related to the study should be revealed. Now the procedure used to carry out the study can be provided in detail. Finally, you can think about the long range consequences if the study is done or not done.

Finding the most suitable thesis proposal writing services

Finding the most suitable thesis proposal writing services

While choosing the right thesis topic is the first step in your thesis writing project, it is equally important to convince your professors to give you a go ahead on the topic. It is therefore essential to find a suitable thesis writing service that helps you frame your proposal in a way that it gets approved at the first submission. Once your proposal is approved, you can move ahead in the process of your thesis writing and save a lot of time. At PhD Thesis Writers, we hire talent that is professionally well-equipped and knowledgeable to guide you through your proposal writing. So, once you come to us for support with proposals for your thesis, you can sit back and relax as our writers assist you in writing a proposal that is perfect for your research design.

Various Thesis Writing Styles

Various Thesis Writing Styles

There are various writing styles that apply to writing a thesis. The writing style is dictated not by the writer but by the university. One of the very well known thesis writing styles is the American Psychological Association style, also known as the APA style.

Yet another accepted style is the Chicago Manual of Style, also known as the Turabian style. The third well accepted style is the Modern Language Association style or MLA style. The Chicago Manual of Style is used by students to present reports related to doctorate of humanities.

It ( the Turabian style ) has many factors in common with the APA and MLA. Students knowing the APA and MLA styles can pick up the Turabian style very easily and adopt it while writing a thesis. The guide of the Turabian style explains in details various rules and regulations of formatting and grammar that need to be applied while writing the thesis.

The borders, font size and font kind are similar in all these three styles of writing. The font kind that needs to be followed is ‘Times New Roman,’ the font size ‘12’ and the borders ‘one inch.’ Each of these styles holds its own methods of presenting the list of books, references and extracts. The way the heading of the page is used also differs greatly in each of these three styles.

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