Journal Manuscript Writing

Journal Manuscript Writing

Are you looking for fast publication of your manuscript? At PhDThesisWriters, we provide consultation and services right from the stage of selecting a topic, research idea to finalising the manuscript for publication.

Writing a journal manuscript is different from other forms of writing, like writing a PhD proposal or thesis writing. Manuscript writing requires knowledge of journal format and requirements and often knowing how to succinctly put forward complex research results. As such, most research scholars complete their research and collect relevant data and thereupon look for manuscript writing service. At PhDThesisWriters, we have a curated team which only deals with journal manuscript writing.

Through our service, our clients have been able to publish in journals like Elsevier, UGC Care list, Springer, Taylor & Francis, IEEE Txn, ABDC Journals, ISI Journals, Scopus List of Journals,  ELK Asia Pacific Journals, SCI Indexed Journals, Anna University list of journals and many more

Process of journal manuscript writing

Cool Timeline

September 9

Step 1

The journal manuscript writing team calls you and understands the topic of your research and what all have you completed from your side.
September 9

Step 2

The team reviews your research and suggests any possible changes in the research which will lead to easy acceptance of the research.

September 9

Step 3

The team suggests list of possible journals which shall accept the journal in the area of research in which you have done your research. The team usually suggests from Scopus or SCI list unless otherwise specified by you.

September 9

Step 4

The team develops a layout of the journal manuscript and presents to you for your approval

September 9

Step 5

Upon approval of the layout from your side, team proceeds for writing the manuscript in scientific language as desired by the targeted journals. The appropriate format of the journal is also followed by the team.

September 9

Step 6

Preparing the cover letter for submission of the manuscript

September 9

Step 7

Formatting and images/graphs resolution correction as per journal requirements

To enquire further about our service of manuscript writing and know prices, please call us at 040 – 4431 1583 or email us at

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