Does Every PhD Research Require a Conceptual Framework?
A majority of reports indicates that over 89% of research candidates find it difficult to decide if their research requires a conceptual framework or not.
Are you fighting the same battle?
If yes, then this article will surely help you out!
The conceptual framework is an essential ingredient for your research. It provides a glance on researcher’s synthesis of literature on how to explain a phenomenon.
The requirement of a ‘Conceptual Framework’ depends on the type of research. But before explaining which research requires a conceptual framework, let me first tell you what purpose a conceptual framework fulfils:
- It generates proper links from the literature to the questions and research goals.
- It serves as a medium to keep research on track.
- It provides a clear insight on the variable of a study.
- It explains the concepts and proposes the relationships among the concepts.
- It provides an organized structure for the research design and methods.
- It guides the development & testing.
- It represents the relationship of the developed hypothesis with central factors or key concepts.
Now, moving towards the purpose of this article, let’s see, which research requires a conceptual frame:
A conceptual framework is understood as an explanation of how a research candidate sees the different concepts and outcome of the study and its relation with each other. It can be an adoption used in a previous study with modification to suit the inquiry.
A research can be categorised into two types mentioned below:
- Exploratory Research: It is also known as formative research, its objective is to gather preliminary information that will help define problems and suggest hypothesis. It is conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the research design, methods of data collection and conceptual framework.
- Explanatory / Casual Research: Casual research is quantitative in nature. It is pre-planned and structured in design that’s why it is also known as conclusive research. It is different from exploratory research in terms of explaining cause and effect relationship between variables. Explanatory research shows the cause and effect relationship in terms of experiments and doesn’t require a conceptual framework.
There are two research methods for exploring the cause and effect relationship between variables:
- Experimentation
- Simulation
What if your research requires a conceptual framework?
Well, don’t worry; we have got your back.
But, what all do we require for developing a conceptual framework?
Below are the ingredients required for developing a conceptual framework:
- Literature Review
- Knowledge of specific research domain
- Research Background
- Personal Experience
- Data
We understand that the conceptual framework is a prominent document for your research. Let’s discuss how to develop a conceptual framework.
Developing a Conceptual Framework:
- Identify Concepts:
Identify concepts from the literature review and provide a categorization among them. The concepts can be categorised as abstract or concrete.
An abstract concept is broad and may not be readily observable while the concrete or specific concepts are amenable to measurement.’
- Define Variable:
Defining variable is the main function of a conceptual framework in a descriptive research. A variable is something that changes. The change in variable depends upon the various factors; some of the variables are like constant only (name of someone) while other change frequently (Value of Stock Exchange)
- Operationalize Variables:
The operationalization of variables involves strictly defining variables into measurable elements. It defines fuzzy concept and allows them for empirical and quantitative measurement. To improve the robustness of research design and to increase the quality of the result, operationalization of variables sets down the exact definition of each variable.
- Develop Propositions:
Develop the relational statement or propositions among the concepts. This helps in providing an idea for hypothesis development and testing.
- Explore the relationship between variables:
Exploring the relationship among variable is an important part of developing a conceptual framework. Some research abstracts contain the variable of research and thus may serve the purpose.
Even though conceptual framework is the heart of a research, not every research requires a conceptual framework.
Do you require assistance in developing a conceptual framework? Then drop a mail at!
One thought on “Does Every PhD Research Require a Conceptual Framework?”
Can you explain whether an Exploratory research can be the subject of Ph. D level research in social sciences?