Key points to keep in mind while designing a questionnaire for PhD research
The researcher must pay attention to the following points in constructing an appropriate and effective questionnaire or a schedule:
- The researcher must keep in view the problem he is to study for it provides the starting point for developing the questionnaire/schedule. He must be clear about the various aspects of his research problem to be dealt with in the course of his research project.
- Appropriate form of questions depend on the nature of information sought,the sampled respondents and the kind of the analysis intended. The researcher must decide whether to use closed or open-ended questions .Questions must be simple and must be constructed with a view to forming a logical part of a well thought out tabulation plan.The units of enumeration should also be defined precisely so that they can ensure accurate and full information.
- Rough draft of the questionnaire/schedule be prepared, giving due thought to the appropriate sequence of putting questions. Questionnaires or schedules previously drafted may as well be looked into at this stage.
- Researchers must invariably re-examine,and in case of need may revise the rough draft for a better one. Technical defects must be minutely scrutinised and removed.
- Pilot study should be undertaken for pre-testing the questionnaire.The questionnaire may be edited in the light of the results of the pilot study.
- Questionnaires must contain simple but straightforward directions for the respondents so that they do not feel any difficulty in answering the questions.